Episode 026: Indianna Activists Making Progress

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Episode 026: Indianna Activists Making Progress

Welcome friends, it’s Catherine Sidman, @Sidco_Cat and this is my podcast.  As a cannabis industry professional for the last decade, I have unique access to the experts, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts who make this industry great!  Join me and my guests as we dive into the people, processes and products that make up this wild ecosystem of cannabis, psychedelics and emerging medicines.

We continue to live under federal prohibition of plants in the United States of America in 2022.  Things that grow out of the ground, on their own, are illegal to possess and utilize.  I support my family with cannabis industry dollars.  I am a consumer and enthusiast of cannabis and psychedelics.  I am one of the privileged ones who has ready access to retail cannabinoids.  My daily micro dose of entheogenic mushrooms is neither decriminalized nor legal.  I am thankful to the decades of activism that brought us to the point where I can walk into a store, buy all sorts of cannabis products and enjoy them without fear of reprisal.  I am not thankful to the state or any regulatory body, I am thankful for activists.  I am thankful for the people like my guests today, who did the work to get these ballot initiatives moved forward, knocked on doors, collected signatures, organized rallies and showed up for decades to get us to where we are today.  These conversations that comprise this episode moved me.  The passion and dedication and thankless hard work represented by these three activists is a tiny sample of the work of so many.  The work continues today, and it is done by passionate people who carry a banner for every American who lacks safe access.  I am humbled by their dedication and work, and I am excited to do my small part of amplifying their voices here today.  I hope you listed and get excited to be part of the movement.  Find your local decrim organization, join Norml, buy a t-shirt, write a letter when they tell you to and make the calls to your representatives when they say it is useful.   If you don’t have time, send money.  If you don’t have money, spend your time. But be a part of the movement so that all Americans can have safe access to cannabis and psychedelics.

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