Episode 020: Tyson Pekarek, Psilocybin Tribesman

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Episode 020: Tyson Pekarek, Psilocybin Tribesman

You are in for a treat.  This gentle, insightful, knowledgeable human being you are about to meet is Tyson Pekarek from Psilocybin Tribesman.  This alignment of vendors in the mycology space is designed to protect the consumer in these days of the mushrooming fungus space.  When you see the Psilocybin Tribesman logo, you can be assured of a level of professionalism and customer-focus that will protect you from scammers.  The whole goal is to get tools and supplies into the hands of everyone who wants to cultivate this medicine.  Tyson is so generous and kind in this conversation.  We recorded this right after thanksgiving in 2021 and we talked about some heavy things; things I believe we are all dealing with either personally or in our communities.  We talked about seasonal depression, anxiety and the struggles that we all face during different seasons in our lives.  This wasn’t a sad conversation, rather, it was an encouraging and hopeful time getting to know each other.  I encourage you to follow Psilocybin Tribesman on Instagram and check out his website and blog.  The community of vendors he has built is beyond reproach and it demonstrates his intentionality in the space.  Join me and get to know Tyson Pekarek from Psilocybin Tribesman I think you’ll be glad you did. 

Psilocybin Tribesmen – Spores, education, and growing materials

2 comments on “Episode 020: Tyson Pekarek, Psilocybin Tribesman

  1. ALX8721 says:

    Shoutout to Tyson, Great dude and guests! Since this episode, I’ve been lucky enough to come on as the host of the psilocybin tribesmen podcast with Tyson. I can honestly say he’s a good human being, father, mentor, and pillar of the myco community!!! Thanks for sharing and keep doing what you do!!!

  2. I love that! I hope our work takes to places where our paths cross and we can meet in real life. <3

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